الاعتماد الأكاديمي لبرنامج هندسة الحاسب

​تبارك كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسب لطلبتها حصول برنامج بكالوريوس هندسة الحاسب الآلي على الاعتماد البرامجي حتى مارس 2026، تأكيداً لجهود الجامعة نحو تحقيق رسالتها في تقديم تعليم متميز. شكرًا لكل من أسهم في هذا الإنجاز.​

أبريل 2024 – مارس 2026

جائزة التواصل الحضاري

جائزة التواصل الحضاري

يسر كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسب دعوة أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية للتشرح والمشاركة في جائزة التواصل الحضاري في دورتها الرابعة والتي يقيمها مركز الملك عبدالعزيز للتواصل الحضاري.

عن الجائزة

هي جائزة وطنية سنوية تهدف لتشجيع الإنجازات الوطنية والعالمية المقدمة من المؤسسات الحكومية, ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني, والمنظمات والمؤسسات الدولية، والقطاع الخاص والأفراد ممن أسهموا بشكل مميز وفعّال في تعزيز قيم الوسطية, والتعايش، والتسامح, والتواصل الحضاري مع الأخر، والمحافظة على الهوية الوطنية وتعزيز الشخصية الوطنية التي يسعى مركز الملك عبدالعزيز للتواصل الحضاري لترسيخها في المجتمع.​

أهداف الجائزة
  • الإسهام في تحقيق أهداف رؤية السعودية 2030.
  • إبراز الجهود التي تعزيز قيم الوسطية التسامح والتعايش والحفاظ على الهوية الوطنية.
  • التواصل الحضاري مع العالم بما يعزز الصورة الذهنية عن المملكة خارجيًا.
  • المحافظة على الهوية الوطنية وتقوية النسيج المجتمعي.
  • نشر قيم الوسطية والتسامح والتعايش بين أوساط المجتمع.
  • تعزيز ثقافة الحوار المعرفي والإنساني والتبادل الحضاري بين الثقافات.
  • تحفيز الجهات الحكومية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني والقطاع الخاص والمنظمات الدولية والأفراد على تبني أو دعم البرامج التي تعزز قيم الوسطية التسامح والتعايش والمحافظة على الهوية الوطنية.
نطاق الجائزة

التعايش المجتمعي
علاقة تفاعلية، في بيئة مشتركة، بين فئات مختلفة، بغرض تحقيق استفادة أو تبادل منافع، في ظل جوّ من الاحترام والود.

التلاحم الوطني

تماسك المكونات البشرية في المجتمع من أجل حماية المكتسبات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والأمنية والسياسية، وبناء حصانة ذاتية ضد كل ما قد يهدد النسيج الوطني، سواء كانت مهددات داخلية، أو خارجية.


احترام وتقدير وقبول الآخر المختلف، سواءً أكان هذا الاختلاف في الجانب الاجتماعي أو الاقتصادي أو الديني، دون تنازل الفرد عن حقوقه أو معتقداته، وبما يحقق الانسجام بين أفراد المجتمع، وبما يتوافق مع المعايير الاجتماعية المقبولة وفقًا للإطار التشريعي والقانوني للدولة.

الهوية الوطنية

هي الإطار الديني والثقافي واللغوي للمجتمع السعودي وتقاليده الذي ينعكس على تغذية الذاكرة الوطنية واحترام الرموز الوطنية، وتهذيب التحيز وخفض التعصب بما يعزز تماسك المجتمع وترابطه وتعاضده وتكافله وانتمائه لوطنه.

التواصل الحضاري بين الثقافات.

التواصل الثقافي بين الشعوب لتعزيز قيم التسامح والتعايش واحترام التنوع الاجتماعي والثقافي والمشتركات الإنسانية المبنية على مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية، والتفاعل مع مختلف الثقافات والحضارات والتحديات المشتركة للقيم والمنجزات البشرية للوصول إلى مجتمع حيوي وخلاّق.

مؤتمر الإبداع والتكنولوجيا والاستدامة في جامعة دار الحكمة

مؤتمر الإبداع والتكنولوجيا والاستدامة في جامعة دار الحكمة

تعتزم جامعة دار الحكمة عقد مؤتمر الإبداع والتكنولوجيا والاستدامة بمقرها، في يومي الأربعاء والخميس،7 و8 ذي القعدة 1445 هـ الموافق 15، و16 مايو 2024م.
وعليه وعليه تدعو كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسب أعضاء هيئة التدريس للحضور والمشاركة بالأوراق العلمية بالمؤتمر والذي يستضيف نخبة متميزة من المتحدثين المحليين والدوليين من الخبراء والباحثين. علماً بأنه يمكن عرض الاوراق العلمية عن بعد، وسيتم نشر الأوراق العلمية المقبولة في: The international publisher Springer, accessible as open access in the Proceedings in Technology Transfer. كما يعقد المؤتمر ورش علمية متخصصة مقدمة من الشريك الاستراتيجي، أكاديمية ٣٢ في مدينة الملك عبد العزيز للعلوم والتقنية بالإضافة للعديد من الأنشطة العلمية الأخرى.

أهداف المؤتمر
  • مشاركة الأبحاث البينية والابتكارات للوقوف على تحديات الاستدامة.
  • تعزيز العلاقة بين القطاعيين الأكاديمي والمهني من خلال الربط بين النظريات المعرفية وتطبيقها.
  • تطوير المهارات الأساسية للمساهمة في الاستدامة.
  • التأكيد على دور التكنولوجيا المتقدمة في معالجة القضايا المجتمعية.
  • تشجيع الإبداع والابتكار وريادة الأعمال تماشيًا مع رؤية 2030.
محاور المؤتمر
  1. التكنولوجيا في التنمية المستدامة والتحول الرقمي.
  2. الإبداع والاستدامة في التصاميم.
  3. الإدارة والسياسات والأخلاقيات لتحقيق الاستدامة.
  4. التعليم والتوعية في الاستدامة.
  5. الأبحاث البينية في الاستدامة والتكنولوجيا. 

دعوة حضور اللقاء التعريفي “برنامج الابتعاث الخارجي في الأمن السيبراني للدراسات العليا – مسار التشفير” 

أعزاءنا الطلبة تدعوكم الهيئة الوطنية للأمن السيبراني إلى حضور اللقاء التعريفي (عن بعد) لمسار التشفير في برنامج الابتعاث الخارجي في الأمن السيبراني للدراسات العليا حسب المواعيد المذكورة أدناه بحسب التخصص:


موعد اللقاء

مكان اللقاء

الأمن السيبراني وجميع تخصصات علوم الحاسب 

الأحد | 28 يناير 2024 

فترة: 4:00 م – 4:45 م

عن بعد

رابط اللقاء

الهندسة الكهربائية 

الاثنين | 29 يناير 2024

فترة: 4:00 م – 4:45 م

عن بعد

رابط اللقاء

الرياضيات والفيزياء

الثلاثاء | 30 يناير 2024

فترة: 4:00 م –  4:45م

عن بعد

رابط اللقاء

محاور اللقاء:

  • مقدمة عن برنامج الابتعاث الخارجي في الأمن السيبراني للدراسات العليا
  • المجالات المستهدفة في البرنامج
  • مقدمة عن مجال التشفير
  • الفرص الوظيفية في مجال التشفير

نأمل منكم الحرص على حضور اللقاء التعريفي بالبرنامج والذي يهدف إلى تطوير القدرات البشرية المتخصصة في مجال التشفير على المستوى الوطني.

Telegram Binance Futures Signals ➤ Top Option Trading Channels

Unlock Futures Insights 🚀

Find Telegram Binance Futures Signals: Top Channels for 2024

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency trading, staying ahead with the latest Telegram Binance Futures signals can be a game-changer. For those of us looking to make informed decisions in 2024, finding the right channels that offer up-to-the-minute trading signals, insights, and strategies is crucial. We’re here to guide you through the maze of options and highlight why joining a top-notch Telegram channel could be your best move for trading success.

Telegram channels have become a vital resource for traders, offering free access to real-time market analytics, personalized trade recommendations, and the latest crypto news. It’s like having a trading expert in your pocket, ready to help you navigate the complexities of the Binance Futures market. Let’s dive into what makes these channels an indispensable tool for anyone looking to thrive in the crypto trading arena.

🚀 Benefits of Joining a Telegram Channel

  • Real-Time Trading Signals: Get instant alerts on the best trading opportunities, ensuring you never miss out on a profitable trade.
  • Expert Insights and Strategies: Learn from seasoned traders sharing their options trading strategies and market analysis.
  • Community Support: Engage with a community of like-minded individuals who are all about sharing knowledge and supporting each other’s trading journeys.
  • SEBI Registered Channels: Our platform connects you with channels that are SEBI registered, ensuring regulatory compliant trading and peace of mind.

📈 Exclusive Access to Market Trends and Updates

By joining a Telegram channel focused on Binance Futures signals, you’re not just getting random tips; you’re getting a curated feed of market trends updates and trading signals telegram alerts. This means you’re always informed about the latest movements in the market, helping you make decisions based on current trends rather than outdated information.

💡 Educational Content for Continuous Learning

Whether you’re new to trading or looking to sharpen your skills, these channels offer an abundance of educational trading content. From options trading education to deep dives into Nifty options trading, there’s something for everyone. It’s like having a trading mentor, providing you with valuable insights and tips to enhance your trading strategy.

🌐 Join a Vibrant Trading Community

One of the biggest advantages of joining a Telegram channel is the sense of community it brings. You’re not just receiving trading signals updates; you’re becoming part of an options trading community. This community support can be invaluable, especially when the market is volatile, and you need advice or someone to share your trading experiences with.

📊 Stay Ahead with SEBI Compliant Channels

Our platform ensures that you connect with SEBI registered trading channels, offering regulatory compliant trading channels. This not only provides you with peace of mind but also ensures that the trading insights and strategies you’re getting are both legal and reliable.

Access Exclusive Signals Now ✨

Choosing the Right Binance Trading Signal Provider

When it comes to trading on Binance Futures, the quality of the trading signals you follow can make a huge difference in your success. With so many Telegram Binance Futures signals providers out there, it can be a bit overwhelming to choose the right one. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you sift through the noise and find a provider that meets your trading needs. The right signal provider can offer you not just trading signals updates but also a wealth of educational trading content and community support to enhance your trading journey.

Why Telegram for Binance Futures Signals?

Telegram has emerged as a leading platform for trading signals Telegram groups because of its instant messaging capabilities and robust privacy features. It’s perfect for receiving real-time trading information, which is crucial for the fast-paced world of Binance Futures trading. On Telegram, you can find channels that offer precise and timely trading signals, along with options trading education and updates on options market trends. This makes it an ideal platform for traders who want to stay ahead in the game.

Steps to find and join Telegram groups

Finding and joining the right Telegram group for Binance Futures signals involves a few key steps. First, you’ll want to do some research. Look for groups that are known for their options trading strategies and market trends updates. It’s also important to consider the size of the group; sometimes, smaller groups offer more personalized advice and better interaction among members.

  1. Search Online: Start by searching online for lists and reviews of popular Binance Futures signals Telegram groups.
  2. Check Social Media: Many groups have social media profiles where they share success stories and testimonials. This can give you a good idea of their reputation.
  3. Join Preliminary Groups: Some Telegram channels have preliminary groups where you can get a feel for their content before joining the main group.
  4. Evaluate Content Quality: Once you join, evaluate the quality of the signals, the frequency of updates, and the responsiveness of the community.

User Reviews and Reputation

Before making your final decision, it’s crucial to consider user reviews and the reputation of the Telegram group. A good Binance Futures signal provider should have positive feedback from its members and a track record of accuracy in their signals. Look for reviews on independent forums, social media, and trading communities. Pay attention to comments about the provider’s trading strategies sharing, options trading tips, and overall trading community support.

  • Check Forums and Reddit: These platforms often have threads discussing the best Telegram channels for Binance Futures signals.
  • Social Media Testimonials: Look for user testimonials on platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
  • Direct Member Feedback: If possible, reach out to current or past members directly to ask about their experience.

Choosing the right Binance Futures trading signal provider on Telegram can significantly impact your trading outcomes. By focusing on providers that offer timely signals, educational content, and a supportive community, you can enhance your trading strategy and increase your chances of success in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency trading.

Risks and Challenges of Using Binance Trading Signals

When we dive into the world of Telegram Binance Futures signals, it’s like opening a treasure chest of opportunities. But, just like any treasure hunt, there are risks and challenges we need to be aware of. Understanding these can help us navigate the crypto seas more safely, ensuring we don’t hit any unexpected storms.

Common mistakes to avoid

One of the first things we’ve learned is that not all that glitters is gold. Jumping too quickly on a signal without doing our homework is a common mistake. Here’s a quick list to keep us on track:

  • Ignoring Research: Even with the best trading signals Telegram groups, it’s crucial to do our own research. Blindly following signals can lead to unexpected losses.
  • Overtrading: The excitement of real-time trading information can lead to making too many trades, risking more than we should.
  • Failing to Set Stop Losses: Not setting a stop loss is like sailing without a life jacket. It’s essential for managing our risk.

Maximizing profits while minimizing risks

To keep our treasure chest growing without losing it to the sea, we’ve found some strategies that help:

  • Diversification: Don’t put all our eggs in one basket. Trading different cryptocurrencies can spread the risk.
  • Risk Management: Only invest what we can afford to lose. Using a small percentage of our portfolio for each trade can be a wise strategy.
  • Learning Continuously: The more we know, the better we can navigate. Engaging with educational trading content and trading community support can be invaluable.

Are free crypto signals as good as paid ones?

This is a question we often ponder. While free access trading channels offer a great starting point, they might not always provide the depth of analysis or the personalized advice that paid services do. However, there are gems out there. Here’s what we’ve found:

  • Quality Over Cost: Some free channels offer fantastic insights, especially if they’re part of a larger trading community.
  • Transparency and Track Record: Whether free or paid, a channel’s history of accuracy and transparency is what counts.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Channels that adhere to regulations, like SEBI compliance trading, tend to be more reliable, whether free or paid.

Navigating the Telegram Binance Futures signals world is an adventure filled with potential rewards and risks. By being aware of common pitfalls, adopting strategies to protect our investments, and carefully choosing our signal sources, we can aim for a successful trading journey.

Unlock Futures Insights 🚀


When exploring the world of Telegram Binance Futures signals, we often come across questions that many of us share. Let’s dive into some frequently asked questions to help us navigate this exciting yet complex field.

What are Telegram Binance Futures signals?

Telegram Binance Futures signals are alerts sent through Telegram channels, providing us with real-time information on when to buy or sell futures contracts on the Binance platform. These signals are based on thorough market analysis, aiming to help traders make informed decisions.

How do I know if a Telegram channel for Binance Futures signals is reliable?

To gauge the reliability of a Telegram Binance Futures signals channel, look for:

  • Transparency: Channels that share past performance openly.
  • Community Feedback: Positive reviews from current or former members.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Channels that follow legal guidelines, ensuring regulatory compliant trading.

Can beginners use these signals effectively?

Absolutely! Many channels offer options trading education alongside their signals, making it easier for beginners to understand the market. Plus, being part of a trading community support system allows newcomers to learn from more experienced traders.

Are there any costs involved in joining these Telegram channels?

While many channels offer free access, some might charge a fee for premium services, such as personalized trading advice or more detailed trading signals updates. Always consider what you’re getting in return and if it aligns with your trading goals.

How often can I expect to receive signals?

The frequency of trading signals updates varies by channel. Some provide multiple signals daily, while others might send fewer, focusing on quality over quantity. It’s important to choose a channel that matches your trading style and how often you wish to trade.

By keeping these FAQs in mind, we can better navigate the world of Telegram Binance Futures signals, making more informed decisions and enhancing our trading strategies. Remember, the key to success in trading lies in continuous learning and staying updated with the latest market trends updates.

Best Crypto Pump Groups ➤ Join Top Telegram Channels for Alerts

Join Our Pump Group 🔥

Join Top Crypto Pump Groups for Profits in 2024

In 2024, we’re all looking for ways to make our money work harder for us, and one exciting opportunity is joining the best crypto pump groups. These groups are where people like us come together to navigate the ups and downs of the cryptocurrency market. By joining forces, we can use coordinated buying strategies to potentially increase our profits. But it’s not just about making quick money; it’s about learning and growing together in a community that understands the crypto trading risks.

Why the Best Crypto Pump Groups Stand Out

The best crypto pump groups offer more than just a chance to make money. They provide a platform for us to learn about crypto market manipulation and how to avoid falling into traps like pump and dump schemes. Our platform, in particular, shines by offering insights into Telegram crypto groups and Discord trading groups, focusing on safety and legality. This way, we can engage in crypto trading with peace of mind, knowing we’re making informed decisions.

🚀 Benefits of Joining Our Crypto Trading Community

  • Personalized Trades: Get trades tailored to your interests and goals.
  • Precise Signals: Our signals are designed to help you make decisions with confidence.
  • Profit Sharing: Enjoy a 50/50 split on profits from successful trades, with no upfront payments required.
  • Exclusivity: Limited spots mean you’re part of an exclusive group, enhancing your trading experience.

📈 Understanding the Risks and Rewards

Joining the best crypto pump groups isn’t just about the potential for profit; it’s about understanding and managing the risks. Speculative trading risks and the possibility of financial loss in crypto are real concerns that we take seriously. By becoming part of our community, you’ll learn how to spot crypto investment risks and navigate crypto market speculation with greater confidence.

🤝 Why Our Platform?

Explore the best crypto pump groups, where cryptocurrency trading communities unite for coordinated crypto buying. Our platform offers insights into Telegram and Discord trading groups, emphasizing safety and legality. Navigate the speculative trading risks of crypto market manipulation with expert guidance. Join us to understand crypto group dynamics and make informed investment decisions.

Joining the best crypto pump groups can be a game-changer for anyone looking to make a mark in the crypto world in 2024. With our focus on safety, legality, and community, we’re here to ensure that you’re not just trading but thriving. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of a community that’s as invested in your success as you are. Let’s navigate the complexities of the crypto market together and aim for the stars. 🌟

Get Free Signals ✨ Click Here

Why Participate in Crypto Pump Telegram Groups?

Joining crypto pump Telegram groups can be a smart move for us. These groups are like secret clubs where people share tips on when to buy or sell cryptocurrencies. It’s like having a map in a treasure hunt, where the treasure is the chance to make money quickly. But, it’s not just about making money fast; it’s about understanding how the crypto market moves and changes.

Quick Profits and Market Dynamics

In these groups, we can learn how to spot opportunities for quick profits. It’s exciting to see how fast the prices of cryptocurrencies can go up. But, it’s not just about the thrill. We also learn about market dynamics. This means we get to understand why prices go up or down. It’s like being a detective, looking for clues in the market. We use these clues to make smart choices about when to buy or sell.

  • 📊 Learn about trends: We see which cryptocurrencies are becoming popular.
  • 💡 Get insights: We learn why certain coins might go up in value.
  • 🚀 Act fast: We find out how to quickly buy or sell before prices change.

The Role of Telegram in Crypto Trading Strategies

Telegram plays a big part in our trading strategies. It’s an app where we can talk to each other in real-time. This is super important because the crypto market moves very fast. By using Telegram, we can get:

  • 📝 Instant updates: We don’t have to wait to know what’s happening.
  • 🤝 Community support: We can ask questions and get help from others.
  • 🔍 Detailed analysis: Some members share their deep understanding of the market.

Telegram makes it easier for us to work together and make smart moves in the crypto world. It’s like having a team of friends who are always there to help each other out.

Top Crypto Pump Telegram Channels to Follow

Joining the best crypto pump groups on Telegram is like being part of a secret society where we all aim to win in the crypto market. These channels are where the magic happens, giving us immediate access to crypto market signals and expert insights that can help us make better trading decisions. It’s not just about following the crowd; it’s about being smart and understanding the moves before making them. With the right Telegram channels, we’re not just guessing; we’re strategizing with the best.

Immediate Access to Crypto Market Signals

Imagine having a crystal ball that shows what’s going to happen in the crypto market. That’s what it feels like to have immediate access to crypto market signals. These signals tell us when might be a good time to buy or sell a particular cryptocurrency. It’s like getting a secret note that says, “Hey, something big is about to happen with this coin.” 📈

  • Real-time updates: We get information as it happens, no delays.
  • Actionable advice: The signals are clear, telling us what action might be best.
  • Stay ahead: We can make moves before the big waves hit, giving us an edge.

Access to Expert Insights and Real-Time Signals

Having access to expert insights is like having a mentor in the crypto world. These experts have been around, seen the ups and downs, and know a thing or two about how to navigate the market. With their guidance, we can learn:

  • 🧠 Why certain coins might rise or fall: Understanding the reasons behind market movements.
  • 🔍 Detailed analysis: Getting more than just the surface-level info, diving deep into the crypto world.
  • 🚀 Strategies that work: Learning from those who have made successful trades based on real-time signals.

Discover Market Predictions 📈 Join Us

How to Find and Join the Right Crypto Telegram Group

Finding the right crypto Telegram group can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But, when we find that perfect group, it’s like discovering a map to hidden treasure. These groups offer us a chance to dive deep into the world of crypto trading, with insights and tips that aren’t available anywhere else. It’s about being in the right place at the right time, with the right people.

Utilizing Crypto Telegram Group Links for Easy Access

One of the easiest ways to join these groups is through crypto Telegram group links. These links are like secret passages that directly take us to the group we want to join. Here’s how we make the most of them:

  • Search wisely: We look for groups on trusted platforms or websites that list crypto Telegram groups. This way, we avoid scams.
  • Check the group’s focus: We make sure the group’s goals align with ours. Whether it’s crypto trading signals or learning about crypto market risks, finding a group that matches our interests is key.
  • Safety first: Before clicking on any link, we double-check to ensure it’s from a reliable source. This helps us steer clear of crypto price manipulation schemes.

Identifying Reputable Crypto Telegram Channels

Not all Telegram channels are created equal. To avoid falling into traps like pump and dump schemes, we look for signs of reputable channels:

  • Community feedback: We read what others have to say about the channel. Positive feedback from other members is a good sign.
  • Transparency: Good channels share their successes and failures. They don’t promise guaranteed profits, which is unrealistic in crypto trading.
  • Educational content: Channels that focus on teaching us about crypto investment strategies and crypto market speculation are more likely to be reputable. They help us understand the crypto trading risks instead of just pushing for quick profits.

By being careful and doing our homework, we can find Telegram groups that help us grow as crypto traders. It’s all about learning, sharing, and making informed decisions together.

Benefits of Free Crypto Trading Signals on Telegram

When we dive into the world of cryptocurrency, finding the right tools and communities can make a big difference. That’s where free crypto trading signals on Telegram come into play. These signals are like secret messages that tell us when might be a good time to buy or sell a cryptocurrency. The best part? It’s free, and it happens on Telegram, a place where we can quickly get these tips and act on them.

Boost Your Trading Strategy with Free Signals

Free crypto trading signals on Telegram can really help us boost our trading strategy. Here’s why:

  • Instant updates: We get tips in real-time. This means we can act quickly, which is super important in the fast-moving crypto market.
  • No cost: Since it’s free, we don’t have to spend any money to get these signals. This is great for us, especially if we’re just starting out and don’t want to spend a lot.
  • Community support: Often, these Telegram groups are full of people just like us. We can ask questions, share our own tips, and get support from the community.

Free vs. Paid Telegram Crypto Signal Channels

Now, you might wonder, why choose free signals when there are paid ones too? Here’s the deal:

  • Cost-effective: Obviously, free signals don’t cost us anything. This is great for keeping our trading costs down.
  • Learning opportunity: Free channels can be a good place to start learning about how signals work without financial commitment.
  • Community vibe: Free channels often have a more community-driven vibe. We can learn a lot just by being part of the discussions.

However, it’s important to remember that not all free signals are created equal. We need to be careful and choose channels that are reputable and have a good track record. This way, we can make the most out of these free resources without falling into any traps.

Join Our Pump Group 🔥

What Precautions Should I Take Before Joining a Group?

When we’re thinking about joining the best crypto pump groups, it’s like preparing for a big adventure. We need to pack the right gear and know the path. It’s not just about jumping in; it’s about being smart and safe. So, let’s talk about the precautions we should take before joining any crypto trading communities.

Identifying Legitimate Crypto Pump Signal Telegram Groups

First things first, we need to make sure we’re joining a group that’s legit. It’s like telling the difference between a real treasure map and a fake one. Here’s how we do it:

  • Check for a history of success: Legit groups will share their wins and losses. They’re open about how things go.
  • Look for transparency: Good groups tell you how they work. They won’t hide their methods or make promises that sound too good to be true.
  • Community feedback is key: We read what others say about the group. Happy members usually mean a group is doing something right.

Are Free Crypto Pump Signal Telegram Groups as Effective as Paid Ones?

Now, we might wonder if free groups are as good as the ones we pay for. It’s like comparing a free lunch to one you buy. Sometimes, the free lunch is just as tasty, but other times, you get what you pay for.

  • Quality of signals: Free groups can offer great advice, but paid groups might provide more detailed analysis.
  • Speed of information: Paid groups might share tips a bit faster since people are paying for quick updates.
  • Community support: Free groups have lots of people to talk to, which is awesome. Paid groups might offer more direct access to experts.

Before we join any crypto pump Telegram groups, we make sure to do our homework. We look for signs that a group is trustworthy and decide if a free or paid group matches what we’re looking for. It’s all about making smart choices on our crypto journey.

FAQ – All You Need to Know About Crypto Pump and Dump Groups

When we hear about crypto pump and dump groups, it’s like learning about a secret club where some people try to make quick money in the crypto world. But there’s a lot to understand before jumping in. Let’s dive into some common questions we all might have.

What is a Crypto Pump and Dump Group?

A crypto pump and dump group is like a team where people come together with a plan to quickly increase the price of a cryptocurrency by buying a lot of it all at once. After the price goes up, they sell it fast to make a profit. This can make the price fall down just as quickly as it went up. It’s like blowing up a balloon and then letting it fly around the room after letting go. This can be risky because not everyone in the group might sell at the right time, leading to financial loss in crypto.

How Can I Identify Legitimate Crypto Pump Signal Telegram Groups?

Finding a good Telegram crypto group that’s not about pump and dump schemes can be tricky. We look for groups that talk openly about their strategies and don’t promise impossible profits. It’s important to see if they share both their successes and failures. Also, checking reviews or asking around in other crypto communities can help us find groups that focus on real crypto trading signals without the risky crypto price manipulation.

  • 🕵️ Transparency: Groups that are open about their methods.
  • 📈 Realistic promises: No group can guarantee profits all the time.
  • 🗣️ Community feedback: Positive comments from current or past members.

Are All the Top Cryptocurrency Exchanges Based in the United States?

Not all top crypto trading platforms are in the United States. Many big ones are spread all over the world. Some countries have rules that are more friendly to cryptocurrencies, which attracts these big exchanges. It’s like having different stores in different towns; each place has its own rules about what can be sold and how. This is why we see big names in countries like Malta, South Korea, and others. Each exchange picks a location based on the rules and how easy it is to work there.

  • 🌍 Global variety: Exchanges are all over the world, not just the U.S.
  • 📋 Different rules: Countries have different laws that affect where exchanges decide to set up shop.
  • 💼 Strategic locations: Exchanges choose locations based on the local laws and how crypto-friendly a country is.

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مسابقة تقنيات المستقبل

إطلاق مسابقة تقنيات المستقبل

تدعوكم كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسب للمشاركة في مسابقة تقنيات المستقبل،فهي مسابقة تهدف إلى إنتاج مشاريع نوعية إبداعية وابتكارية من طلبة الجامعات تعمل على حل المشاكل باستخدام التقنيات الناشئة, وذلك من خلال اختيار تقنيات ووضعها كمسارات للمنافسة. نسعد بكم في الانضمام لمسابقة تقنيات المستقبل.

بطولة بلاي ستيشن FIFA 23

 شروط المشاركة:

 1- المشاركة متاحة لجميع طلاب الكلية.

 2- النسخة FIFA 23 هي المعتمدة في هذه البطولة عبر جهاز PS4.

 3- يعد المتسابق منسحبًا حال تأخره 10 دقائق عن بداية المباراة ويتأهل المنافس الآخر للأدوار التالية.

 4- مدة كل مباراة 10 دقائق.

 5- البطلوة ستقام حضوريًا في الدور الأرضي في كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسب.

 6- تقام البطولة بنظام الاقصاء الفردي للمغلوب من مرة واحدة.

 7- تقدم الجوائز للفائزين بالمركز الأول والثاني والثالث.

زيارة معرض الدفاع العالمي في الرياض

تسعد كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسب بأن تعلن عن فرصة مميزة لطلابها لحضور معرض الدفاع العالمي

يعدّ معرض الدفاع العالمي الذي تنظمه الهيئة العامة للصناعات العسكرية في المملكة العربية السعودية معرضاً متكاملاً، حيث يتمحور حول مستقبل صناعة الدفاع عبر استعراض أحدث التطورات التقنية التي توصل لها العالم عبر مختلف قطاعات الدفاع البرية والبحرية، والجوية، والفضاء، والأمن.

آخر موعد لتسجيل الرغبات الخميس الموافق 23 /11 / 2023 م

نظمت كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسب ممثلة بلجنة الأنشطة الطلابية رحلة ترفيهية ممتعة إلى أسطبل البواسل للخيول في مدينة عنيزة

نظمت كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسب ممثلة بلجنة الأنشطة الطلابية رحلة ترفيهية ممتعة إلى أسطبل البواسل للخيول في مدينة عنيزة، يوم الأربعاء الموافق ٢٥ اكتوير، شهدت الرحلة مشاركة واسعة من الطالبات الذين استمتعوا بفرصة فريدة للاستمتاع بتجربة ركوب الخيل واكتشاف عالم الخيول.

تضمنت الرحلة جولة شيقة داخل أسطبل الخيول حيث تعرف الطالبات على رعاية الخيول وأساليب تدريبها وتجرية ركوب الخيل، حيث تمتعت الطالبات بتجربة فريدة من نوعها وتعزيز روح الفريق والترابط وعبرت الطالبات عن سعادتهن بالفرصة الرائعة التي منحتهم إمكانية التعرف على هذه الخيول بشكل أفضل.

تأتي هذه الرحلة ضمن جهود الكلية لتعزيز الأنشطة الطلابية وتعزيز التواصل والتفاعل بين الطالبات.

وسوف تستمر الكلية في تنظيم مثل هذه الفعاليات في المستقبل لتعزيز الروح الطلابية.