College Education Policy


        Mustaqbal University strategic plan has prepared its first (2020-2025), which aims to develop teaching and learning curricula to advance national development, improve teaching and learning processes and methods and keep pace with the development of modern science and its changes to develop students’ knowledge and information and achieve scientific and technological development, with Multiple evaluation methods, means and tools, and the development of a new model in the structure of the curriculum to shift towards student-based education, instead of teacher-based education.

       This is reflected in the development of teaching methods, diversity in evaluation processes, and motivation to employ modern technologies in teaching and learning at Mustaqbal University in accordance with its strategic plan. This was one of the strategic goals that the university seeks to achieve in order to develop the quality of education.The university also seeks to achieve education, professionalization and competitiveness for graduates, and Mustaqbal university pays great attention to monitoring the educational process and following up on its development.

       To ensure its quality, considering education as one of the three pillars included in its mission, it paid great attention to the student as the basis of the educational process, and provided many means of support and support for him, in addition to providing a safe and attractive learning environment, and also provided educational curricula of high quality and consistent with trends. The university also provided many learning resources represented in the central library, which includes the latest books in all scientific fields in addition to electronic library services that are provided at the highest levels. Mustaqbal University participates in a number of global databases, which facilitates the student in Bachelor’s degree Scientific communication locally, regionally and internationally.

       The university has been concerned with the development and development of educational programs through the establishment of the permanent committee for plans and curricula, which is affiliated with the assistant rector of the university for educational affairs, and which makes it a priority to prepare study plans and follow them up in accordance with the periodic meetings it holds for the purpose of developing and introducing educational programs, and it also addresses the colleges that have not She talks about the necessity of updating and developing study plans for college programs, and she is also keen to hold workshops for colleges, on how to build study plans.

      Mustaqbal University pays great attention to the application of the various evaluation tools, which gives an honest picture of the level of students in the educational process as the university cares about faculty members, and is keen to take care of them as they are important pillars in the educational process, and established the “Training Department” to serve members faculty and leaders provide everything that would contribute to the development of the faculty member and develop his capabilities, and great efforts are being made to provide support and assistance to faculty members at all levels. In order to develop the educational process, the university has established the Department of Information Technology, and the Higher Committee for E-Learning, which provides an electronic learning environment through the “Microsoft Teams Application”, and provides everything that is useful in integrating technology in teaching and trains faculty members to use and employ tools E-learning, and the use of the latest educational technologies.

       The University of the Mustaqbal follows up the educational process and its development through the Permanent Committee for Development and Quality, which makes its most important goals that quality and perfection be the slogan of the educational process.